The company



Plasútil is certified with the Renewable Energy Seal, that attests to the acquisition of 100% Renewable energy and CO2 Emission Reduction.

Therefore, in addition to reducing in more than 90% the CO2 emissions generated by the production of electricity, one of the principal sources of greenhouse gas emissions, we contribute to the expansion of the renewable energy market such as solar, wind, biomass, SHPs and biogas.

In 2020, Plasútil avoid to emit around 2,000 tons of CO2 thanks to the use of renewable energies, which is equivalent to more than 3,000-planted trees. We are committed to the development of sustainable practices and a greener future for our planet.


The Green Seal is an environmental certificate, an eco-label that aims to attest the sustainable, regenerative quality and good practices developed in favor of life and the environment.

Plasútil was recognized and certified with the Green Seal thanks to the operational licenses issued by the environmental agencies, recognizing that we meet the required criteria, as well as the environmental policy. Environmental preservation is essential for civil society and companies, being essential for a balance between man and nature.